Hot Air Balloon was programmed in TML Pascal. It uses many of the features from InsideMac that many programs do not use. Some of these are CopyBits, Changing Resesources, Pict resources, Region Masks and all of the procedures to animate the objects on the screen. Full use of the Mac interface is also there in a real program, not just a shell. The source code is an excellent example and learning tool for Pascal programmers. The code can easily be converted to LightSpeed and Turbo Pascal. The source code is available for $15.00 from Bill Clark, 1301 Sylvia Dr., Bakersfield, CA. 93304. Special thanks to Duane Blehm, HomeTown Software.
How Points Are Accumulated
Points are continuously added as you fly. To accumulate points you must fly in free air. Each object other than the Balloon is enclosed in an invisible rectangle. If you fly into this rectangle with the balloon or cover the object you continue to loose points until you are out of the rectangle. You loose points twice as fast when you fly into the stork. The Balloon will also explode if the stork hits the center of the Balloon. If you fly too high the balloon will also explode. You can only reset the previous high score if you complete all three levels.
Tips On Accumulating High Scores
The game starts very slowly. Don't let this deceive you. This is the time to build as many points as you can. The Balloon is at it's most maneuverable level of play and you gain points faster. As the level increases the Balloon will not descend as fast and it will be much harder to get out of the way of objects. The tree and utility pole move slowly at first and will speed up as you move to level 2. The random flight altitude of the stork lowers and its speed increases as the level increases to level 2 and 3. STAY AWAY FROM THE STORK! When the stork disappears off the left of your screen watch for the stork on the right. Because it's altitude is at random levels you never know where it will appear. If you are caught and you must hit the stork try to maneuver the Balloon so it will hit the basket area or top flag. This will deduct the lowest amount of points and will not explode the Balloon. If you have a choice between the other objects and the Stork take the tree or pole. Remember you can only reset your high score if you complete all three levels.